Ethics documentation and Policies

The core of the research in the later phases of the project will be conducted on biobank materials and cell lines. We will submit the ethics approval and required documents for working with this material within this milestone. The consortium will decide before month 6 if TRACERX clinical trail samples are used or not. If they are used we will gather all the required documentation such as the informed consent and information sheets. Moreover, we will explicitly confirm to REA that appropriate consent has been given by the participants of TRACERX to allow their samples and data to be used in the present research. The confirmation and the required materials in this case will be submitted before month 24. Next, if TRACERX material will be used we will have it anonymized so there will not be personal sensitive data. The same applies for a policy for the handling of any incidental findings that might arise when studying samples from participants. By anonymizing the data incidental findings will not be tracable to a person.