LOC for single cell chromosome analysis
This task represents the integration of tasks 2.1-3 into a single opto-fluidic chip able to deliver all chromosomes from a single cell to on-chip chromosome analysis. The final goal is to integrate the cell lysis with the chromosome arraying of all chromosomes from a single cell that are isolated and cleaned for further on-chip analysis in a “pick-and-place” protocol, using optical tweezers. The chip integrated two-beam optical traps and hydrogel traps developed in task 2.3 will be further developed to generate a mesh of random traps – a ‘mine field’ - where the metaphase chromosomes can be arrayed and further processed before they are ‘delivered’ to the CTFM-3DSR instrument, as will be tested by VU and LUM. UCPH and VU will validate the chips with relevant samples on the integrated instrument in tasks 1.6 and 3.3.
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