Dissemination and exploitation plan (interim)

The Dissemination, Communication, Exploitation committee (DCE) will submit details of the following: (a) prospective scientific publications (b) presentations and participation in international conferences in particular of the organizations listed above; IEEE, OSA, SPIE, IAC. Project members will share their results at entrepreneurial forums for communication and biomedical innovators within the European Union, at scientific meetings and with Program Steering Committee. (c) News segments for public communication and public or scientific awareness. (d) Press releases at key time points in the project development. (e) Development of website and social media (Facebook, Twitter) with CANCER SCAN logo, news on progress and information on findings and progress, including a data repository and a public-access domain. (f) Holding focus groups representing target markets at an early stage, to better understand and direct the specifications of the new device towards functional prototypes addressing specific markets (c) Connect to and develop a network of informed clinicians, medical device industry professionals, patient groups, to outline essential CANCER SCAN features that maximize the exploitation potential