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Authors: Kasra Amini, Jens Biegert, Francesca Calegari, Alexis Chacón, Marcelo F Ciappina, Alexandre Dauphin, Dmitry K Efimov, Carla Figueira de Morisson Faria, Krzysztof Giergiel, Piotr Gniewek, Alexandra S Landsman, Michał Lesiuk, Michał Mandrysz, Andrew S Maxwell, Robert Moszyński, Lisa Ortmann, Jose Antonio Pérez-Hernández, Antonio Picón, Emilio Pisanty, Jakub Prauzner-Bechcicki, Krzysztof Sacha
Journal title: Reports on Progress in Physics
Journal number: 82
Journal publisher: Institute of Physics Publishing
Published year: 2019
Published pages: 116001
DOI identifier: 10.1088/1361-6633/ab2bb1
ISSN: 0034-4885