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Authors: Sara Sdelci, André F. Rendeiro, Philipp Rathert, Wanhui You, Jung-Ming G. Lin, Anna Ringler, Gerald Hofstätter, Herwig P. Moll, Bettina Gürtl, Matthias Farlik, Sandra Schick, Freya Klepsch, Matthew Oldach, Pisanu Buphamalai, Fiorella Schischlik, Peter Májek, Katja Parapatics, Christian Schmidl, Michael Schuster, Thomas Penz, Dennis L. Buckley, Otto Hudecz, Richard Imre, Shuang-Yan Wang, Hans M
Journal title: Nature Genetics
Journal number: 51/6
Journal publisher: Nature Publishing Group
Published year: 2019
Published pages: 990-998
DOI identifier: 10.1038/s41588-019-0413-z
ISSN: 1061-4036