ROADMAP Webpage and Open Access portal

ROADMAP Webpage and Open Access portal creationCreation of the website foreseeing the following aspectsCreation and maintenance of the ROADMAP webpage and Open Access portal Regular updates of the web portal by promoting conferences events high impact publications by adding new data generated or used within ROADMAPDesign and maintain the web site and its up to date contents for different audiences media educators general public etc and manage the social media presence of ROADMAP Disseminate scientific papers and general papers about the project results in relevant open access journals The peerreviewed publications will address the major science topics methods and tools including analysis of data obtained by European space missions to Mars atmospheric modelling Mars dust analogue laboratory and modellingDisseminate project results at major planetary science conferences as well as relevant laboratory remote sensing and computer conferences and workshopsCreate links to highlevel data products through PSA ESA and other public data archives like VESPA or CODULABCreate and preserve a reference archive of the Consortium publications reports deliveries and data by ensuring the followup preservation of the ROADMAP Open Access portal