Database of extreme events, test cases selection and available data

This deliverable will be a comprehensive inventory of extreme coastal events that produced flooding at different locations along the European coastline The events will be collected consulting the portfolio of CEMS the information provided by projects partners and available EU datasets eg HANZE RISCKIT Surge Watch and Floodlist databases A selection of test cases and related information and available data will be used for calibration and validation of the thresholds of Task 45 and all subsequent WP5 activities The test cases will be selected based on the available information and data on both hazard and impacts the availability of local and high resolution data and on the basis of archived CEMS mapping activations in order to produce a reliable subset of events for calibration and validation The selection of test cases will be confined to the time interval 20102020 in order to use recent satellite imagery with good resolution and including if possible overlap with Sentinel missions