Project Advisory Board

STP will manage the engagement with the SAMMBA project’s advisory board, which will include representatives from various stakeholder groups including local government from potential sites, industry (launch service providers) and other ongoing ESA and EC launcher projects and other relevant stakeholders to be identified in the CASP. The task will also create an engagement plan for the AB, including communication rules and procedures that will optimise their awareness of SAMMBA activities without unduly intruding on their other responsibilities. Within this task the partners will encourage AB members to test the SAMMBA concept and give their inputs regarding the technical and regulatory feasibility for the variable launches. For the potential customers the consortium will organise two workshops to increase the project’s impact by gathering feedback from potential users on the design solution and disseminating results to key stakeholders. The first workshop is planned at the project’s mid-term review (M18) in Brussels (to be confirmed) and should attract around 10 people. The second workshop is planned at the end of the project (M36) at EUCASS 2020 (to be confirmed) and should attract around 15 people. This will also serve as an opportunity to disseminate the projects results.