Dissemination and communication Strategy Action Plan

Communication Strategy and Action Plan (CSAP) describing the target audiences and segmentation, the key messages to be conveyed by the SAMMBA consortium members, the schedule and timing of the dissemination campaign, the various online/offline communication tools and materials to be developed and a strategy for ensuring the exploitation of project results during and after the close of the project. A key focus of this task will be describing how the project will implement concrete measures to ensure the project results are disseminated and exploited after the official close of the project. The dissemination strategy will focus on three key areas: scientific community, potential customers/investors and the general public. First, scientifically publishable results of the project will be submitted to various relevant international conferences for publication as papers, posters and / or presentations throughout the project. More significant results may be published as journal papers (peer-reviewed and / or non-peer-reviewed) or book chapters. A preliminary non-exhaustive list of possible targets for such dissemination includes for example the European Conference on Aerospace Sciences (EUCASS), the AIAA Space Conference, the AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, etc