The consensus molecular subtypes of colorectal cancer


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Authors: Justin Guinney, Rodrigo Dienstmann, Xin Wang, Aurélien de Reyniès, Andreas Schlicker, Charlotte Soneson, Laetitia Marisa, Paul Roepman, Gift Nyamundanda, Paolo Angelino, Brian M Bot, Jeffrey S Morris, Iris M Simon, Sarah Gerster, Evelyn Fessler, Felipe De Sousa E Melo, Edoardo Missiaglia, Hena Ramay, David Barras, Krisztian Homicsko, Dipen Maru, Ganiraju C Manyam, Bradley Broom, Valerie Boige, B

Journal title: Nature Medicine

Journal number: 21/11

Journal publisher: Nature Publishing Group

Published year: 2015

Published pages: 1350-1356

DOI identifier: 10.1038/nm.3967

ISSN: 1078-8956