Workflow report

• D 2.1: Workflow report; Month 4. The Workflow report describes how publications (mono-graphs and monograph chapters) resulting from ERC funded research will be made available in the OAPEN Library. The workflow will describe a number of routes: online registration of planned or published publications resulting from ERC grants; deposit by grantees and publishers of ‘Gold’ OA publications; deposit by grantees of ‘Green’ publications; acquisi-tion of publications to be deposited in the OAPEN Library by approaching grantees and publishers; ingesting OA publications that have an appropriate open license. The report will take into account several aspects: awareness, guidance for grantees and cooperation with ERCEA. The report will describe how to tackle lack of awareness by grantees about Open Access and how to provide support and guidance to grantees to comply with ERC guidelines and requirements under the specific grant agreement and deposit their publication in the OAPEN Library. Guidance will include finding a suitable publisher, deciding on a suitable license, communicating with publishers to achieve OA to publications. The workflow will also address reviewing the quality assurance policy of the publisher. Lastly, it will outline how OAPEN and ERCEA will cooperate to maximise deposit of publications.