Interleukin-15-Dependent T-Cell-like Innate Intraepithelial Lymphocytes Develop in the Intestine and Transform into Lymphomas in Celiac Disease


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Authors: Julien Ettersperger, Nicolas Montcuquet, Georgia Malamut, Nicolas Guegan, Silvia Lopez-Lastra, Ségolène Gayraud, Christian Reimann, Elodie Vidal, Nicolas Cagnard, Patrick Villarese, Isabelle Andre-Schmutz, Rita Gomes Domingues, Cristina Godinho-Silva, Henrique Veiga-Fernandes, Ludovic Lhermitte, Vahid Asnafi, Elizabeth Macintyre, Christophe Cellier, Kheira Beldjord, James P. Di Santo, Nadine

Journal title: Immunity

Journal number: 45/3

Journal publisher: Cell Press

Published year: 2016

Published pages: 610-625

DOI identifier: 10.1016/j.immuni.2016.07.018

ISSN: 1074-7613