Report on the identification of numerical simulations to analyze and on the collection of data by virtual spacecraft

Once WP7 finalized the selection of numerical simulation data for inclusion in AIDAdb (deliverable D7.2), we will produce a report on the identification of numerical data suitable to be analyzed through virtual spacecraft techniques. Existing numerical runs will be selected to cover different regions of interests and different specific physical processes, e. g. particle heating, reconnection exhaust, magnetopause crossing, etc. Through these numerical simulations, we will provide virtual spacecraft measurements, which will be employed to support the design and training phase of novel techniques of artificial intelligence for data analysis and interpretation (AIDApp), aiming at identifying regions of scientific interest, based on time series of fields and particle velocity distributions. If needed, we will also plan and design new numerical simulations, in collaboration with AIDApp Data Assimilation and Analysis Tools (WP4 and WP6), able to simulate realistic conditions of the heliosphere environment.