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Authors: Eleni Papathanasopoulou; Stefan Simis; Krista Alikas; Ave Ansper; Saku Anttila; Jenni Attila; Anne-Laure Barillé; Laurent Barillé; Vittorio Brando; Mariano Bresciani; Martynas Bučas; Pierre Gernez; Claudia Giardino; Nicolas Harin; Annelies Hommersom; Kersti Kangro; Pirkko Kauppila; Sampsa Koponen; Marnix Laanen; Claire Neil; Dimitrios Papadakis; Steef Peters; Sandra Poikane; Kathrin Poser; Migu
Journal publisher: n/a
Published year: 2019
DOI identifier: 10.5281/zenodo.3463050