Exploring directional and fluctuating asymmetry in the human palate during growth


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Authors: Oxilia G., Menghi Sartorio J.C., Bortolini E., Zampirolo G., Papini A., Boggioni M., Martini S., Marciani F., Arrighi S., Figus C., Marciani G., Romandini M., Silvestrini S., Pedrosi M.E., Mori T.; Riga A., Kullmer O., Sarig R., Fiorenza L., Giganti M., Sorrentino R., Belcastro M.G., Cecchi J.M., Benazzi S.

Journal title: American Journal of Physical Anthropology

Journal number: 10968644

Journal publisher: Wiley-Liss

Published year: 2021

Published pages: 847-864

DOI identifier: 10.1002/ajpa.24293

ISSN: 1096-8644