Delta-24-RGD, an Oncolytic Adenovirus, Increases Survival and Promotes Proinflammatory Immune Landscape Remodeling in Models of AT/RT and CNS-PNET


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Authors: Marc Garcia-Moure, Marisol Gonzalez-Huarriz, Sara Labiano, Elizabeth Guruceaga, Eva Bandres, Marta Zalacain, Lucia Marrodan, Carlos de Andrea, Maria Villalba, Naiara Martinez-Velez, Virginia Laspidea, Montse Puigdelloses, Jaime Gallego Perez-Larraya, Ignacio Iñigo-Marco, Renata Stripecke, Jennifer A. Chan, Eric H. Raabe, Marcel Kool, Candelaria Gomez-Manzano, Juan Fueyo, Ana Patiño-García, Mart

Journal title: Clinical Cancer Research

Journal number: 27/6

Journal publisher: American Association for Cancer Research

Published year: 2021

Published pages: 1807-1820

DOI identifier: 10.1158/1078-0432.ccr-20-3313

ISSN: 1078-0432