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Authors: Alessandro Marconi; M. Abreu; V. Adibekyan; V. Alberti; S. Albrecht; J. Alcaniz; M. Aliverti; C. Allende Prieto; J. D. Alvarado Gómez; P. J. Amado; M. Amate; M. I. Andersen; E. Artigau; C. Baker; V. Baldini; A. Balestra; S. A. Barnes; F. Baron; S. C. C. Barros; S. M. Bauer; M. Beaulieu; O. Bellido-Tirado; B. Benneke; T. Bensby; E. A. Bergin; K. Biazzo; A. Bik; J. Birkby; N. Blind; I. Boisse; E. B
Journal title: Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Journal number: Volume 12184
Journal publisher: SPIE
Published year: 2022
Published pages: id. 1218424 16 pp.
DOI identifier: 10.1117/12.2628689
ISSN: 0277-786X