What explains public transport use? Evidence from seven European cities


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Authors: Gascon, Mireia Marquet, Oriol Gràcia-Lavedan, Esther Ambròs, Albert Götschi, Thomas Nazelle, Audrey DE. Panis, Luc Int Gerike, Regine Brand, Christian Dons, Evi Eriksson, Ulf Iacorossi, Francesco Ávila-Palència, Ione Cole-Hunter, Tom Nieuwenhuijen, Mark J.

Journal title: Transport Policy

Journal number: 99

Journal publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd.

Published year: 2020

Published pages: 362-374

DOI identifier: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2020.08.009

ISSN: 0967-070X