Homogeneous data catalog of Spitzer andHST data

Delivery if a homogeneous data catalog of Spitzer and HST data. The data calibration and spectral extraction methods developed in the context of task 1 will be applied to all suitable archive Spitzer and HST observations of transiting exoplanets. We will calibrate the data in a homogeneous way and extract the spectra of the exoplanet atmospheres, such that an unbiased comparison is possible. This homogeneous analysis will be published in a peer reviewed paper and the data set of calibrated spectra and light-curves will be made available as a catalog through CDS and ViZier services and as enhanced data products to the Spitzer and HST data archives provided by NASA and ESA (see WP 5 for dissemination). This will guarantee long term public access for the wider scientific community to the homogeneous data catalog of Spitzer and HST data.