Tracking the history of grapevine cultivation in Georgia by combining geometric morphometrics and ancient DNA


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Authors: Laurent Bouby, Nathan Wales, Mindia Jalabadze, Nana Rusishvili, Vincent Bonhomme, Jazmín Ramos-Madrigal, Allowen Evin, Sarah Ivorra, Thierry Lacombe, Clémence Pagnoux, Elisabetta Boaretto, M. Thomas P. Gilbert, Roberto Bacilieri, David Lordkipanidze, David Maghradze

Journal title: Vegetation History and Archaeobotany

Journal number: 30/1

Journal publisher: Springer Verlag

Published year: 2021

Published pages: 63-76

DOI identifier: 10.1007/s00334-020-00803-0

ISSN: 0939-6314