Recruitment of ESRs

ESRs will be hired within the first five months of the network contract in order to allow three years to complete a doctoral degree and to be able to participate in the training activities outlined in section B.2.2. Recruiting clever, well-educated and dedicated candidates for research in life sciences is an increasing problem for most European research institutions. We will therefore invest all possible efforts into recruiting the best candidates, from Europe as well as other parts of the world. All scientists-in-charge will form a Recruitment Committee and will have a first meeting in connection with the Initial Network Meeting (project month 1). The recruitment committee will be responsible for WP1 (“Recruitment”). This includes organizing the recruitment of 15 ESRs within the first five months. Furthermore, the committee will ensure that the recruitment procedure is in line with the principles set out in the European Charter for Researchers ( and in the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers ( Vacancies will be advertised through the Euraxess - Researchers in Motion website (, Euro Science Jobs (, the PI’s and ETN homepages, in scientific journals, at major Academic institutions, conferences, through e-mails, e-mailing lists from relevant conferences etc. The Recruitment Committee in collaboration with the respective responsible scientist at the host organisation will draft the advertisement. Candidates will be asked to specify first, second and third priority host institutes. Advertising text will lay out the scientific and training nature of the Chromatin3D ETN, will be explicit about eligibility issues and will specifically -though not narrowly- outline the expected qualifications of applicants. All partners will be involved in the recruitment process and will select fellows on the criteria of their motivation, interests, degree, grades and experience. Applications (i.e. letter of intent, CVs and recommendation letters) will be collected by the Recruitment Committee and distributed to all participants. Short-listed candidates will be invited to visit the lab of the PI they are most interested in joining. Interviews during the visit will be carried out by teleconferencing to include at least one other participant of the Network as an interviewer. Problems with recruitment: If a partner cannot find an eligible candidate, acceptable applicants to other partners (not elected) may be offered the chance. If this is unsuccessful, the position will be re-announced with less specific requirements regarding disciplinary background. If no candidate for a position is found before month 12 of the project, that position will be cancelled, and crucial tasks will be done by staff at the host institution and other network trainees within the relevant WP.