Workshop 1: “Folding chromatin in Three Dimensions”

Location: Stockholm Organizer: Rolf Ohlsson Benefit to the ESRs and other trainees: This workshop will expose young researchers from all over Europe to a series of talks covering the current view we share for the three dimensional organization of the eukaryotic genome. New technologies employed worldwide and within the network (Chromosome conformation capture/3C-based) will be discussed. One speaker from SME will also cover different technology platforms (*H.Pendeville). Provisional Program Daniela Rhodes (Cambridge) Chromatin structure and recognition Wendy Bickmore (Edinburgh) Folding chromatin during development and disease Edith Heard (Paris) X-chromatin structure and dynamics during X inactivation Peter Fraser (Cambridge) Single molecule chromosome structure analysis Babis Spilianakis (Heraklion) Regulation of CD4 cell differentiation in three dimensions Peter Becker (Munich) Assembly of (hetero-)chromatin during early embryogenesis *Helene Pendeville (Liege) Automation of epigenetic assays Eran Segal (Rehovot) Nucleosome Disfavouring Sequences Alter Gene Expression