Workshop 2: “Cancer Epigenomics”

Location: Milan Organizer: Bruno Amati Benefit to the ESRs and other trainees: The aim of this workshop is to introduce students from all over Europe the different experimental models that are used in order to study chromatin-based modifiers in the cause of cancer. Two speakers from SMEs (Hazel Pinheiro from Exiqon, Bálint L. Bálint from UD-GenoMed) will cover topics related to biomarker discovery approaches and valorization of results for commercial applications. Provisional Program Manel Esteller (Barcelona) PharmacoEpigenetics: Genes and Drugs Rolf Ohlsson (Stockholm) Chromosomal Networks: New Perspectives of Cancer Epigenomics Bruno Amati (Milan) Myc-induced lymphomagenesis Tony Kouzarides(Cambridge) Targeting epigenetic pathways in the treatment of cancer *Hazel Pinheiro (Vedbaek) miRNA profiling services for biomarker discovery *Bálint L. Bálint (Debrecen) Epigenetic & epigenomic analysis services for cancer diagnostics Kristian Helin (Copenhagen) Role of hydroxymethylation in stem cells and cancer Valerio Orlando (Rome) Epigenetic control of noncoding genome in disease