Proof of concept data to demonstrate the advantages of Abiel technology for drug/toxicity screening applications

The deliverable will be acheived by characterization of the formulations and the performance of cells within screening applications as follows: Task 2.4 – characterization of formulations through biophysical assay (e.g. AFM imaging based collagenase degradation studies; assessments of protein aggregation vs activity (e.g. AFM supported by other particle sizing approaches available at UoN); Task 2.5 – the building of 3D printed cell scaffolds yielding organotypic tissues grown from cells isolated using the Abiel technology, and standard procedures.Generated scaffolds will be used to monitor cellular behaviour at pinpoint location on the scaffold surface in response to well-known drugs and toxins (e.g. doxorubicin, troglitazone, quinidine and cobalt chloride).