Supervisory board of FlowerPower

Operational decision making is performed by the Supervisory Board (SB) under the leadership of the Project Coordinator. The SB includes representatives of all beneficiaries and partner organisations, an ESR representative, the IPR manager and the Dissemination manager and is responsible for the performance of the work packages according to the agreed work plan be included in the contract. The SB will meet every six months in the frame of the biannual EID meetings additional meetings will be organised when necessary. Final decisions will be taken following a democratic decision making process by the entire SB. Majority voting will be implemented only if absolutely necessary. In the unlikely case of an unresolved dispute, the SB may organise external arbitration, whose decisions will be obligatory for all parties. After two years, a midterm review will assess the project progress and take any corrective measures required to fulfil the contractual obligations with the REA.