The Rotterdam Periconceptional Cohort and embryonic and fetal measurements using 3D ultrasound and virtual reality techniques


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Authors: Melek Rousian; Sam Schoenmakers; Alex J. Eggink; Dionne V Gootjes; Anton H. J. Koning; Maria P.H. Koster; Annemarie G.M.G.J. Mulders; Esther B. Baart; Irwin K.M. Reiss; Joop S.E. Laven; Eric A.P. Steegers; Régine P.M. Steegers-Theunissen

Journal title: International Journal of Epidemiology, 50(5), 1426 - 1427L. Oxford University Press

Journal number: 2

Journal publisher: Oxford University Press

Published year: 2021

Published pages: 1426–1427L

DOI identifier: 10.1093/ije/dyab030

ISSN: 0300-5771