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Authors: Oskar Marin-Bejar1**, Damia Romero-Moya1, Javier Rodriguez-Ubreva2, Maximiliano Distefano3, Francesca Lessi4, Paolo Aretini4, Alessandro Liquori5,6, Julio Castaño7, Emilia Kozyra8, Lili Kotmayer9, Clara Bueno10, José Cervera5,6,11, José Carlos Rodriguez-Gallego12,13,14, Josep F Nomdedeu15, Laura Murillo- Sanjuán16, Cristina Díaz de Heredia16, Antonio Pérez-Martinez17,18,19, Félix López-C
Journal title: Haematologica
Journal publisher: Ferrata Storti Foundation
Published year: 2023
DOI identifier: 10.3324/haematol.2022.282305
ISSN: 1592-8721