Summary of charge breeding investigations for a future 11C treatment facility

CO molecule fast gas injection and C-->C6+ and C-->C1+ -->Cn+ charge breeding investigations Objective: For different types of treatment ions explore the possibilities and limitations of the charge breeding stage linking the radioactive beam production and post-accelerator Expected Results: A. Ion throughput capability of the charge breeding system as is for different type of treatment ions and the means of increasing it., by e.g. implementing alternative cooling methods in the Penning trap or using continuous mode injection into the Electron-Beam Ion-Source (EBIS). B. In collaboration with ESR1 address the beam purity by 11C16O breakup efficiency inside the Penning trap and EBIS, and stable beam contamination. C. Establish the operational conditions such as injection repetition rate, extracted pulse length and mass-to-charge ratio.. D. Literature study on Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source (ECRIS) alternative charge breeding in collaboration with MEDAUSTRON.