Laser molecular break-up in RFQ cooler for beam purification

Molecular break-up by laser in RFQ cooler Objective : To study the impact of the chemical nature of the molecules on their break up in a RFQ-Cooler device before or after mass separation of molecular isotope beams Expected Results: A :Different types of molecular ions will be injected in a RFQ Cooler, such as LnF+, CO+, CH4+. B The efficiencies of transmission, time of residence will be investigated by varying the cooling gas pressure, its nature (He, H2, H2O). C The molecular break-up by UV laser light excitation will be investigated. The precise required repetition rate, wavelength, plasma induction will be investigated. D The presence of other beam components on the results, such as alkali metals, will be investigated, to decide if the purification step must take place before or after mass-separation.