Collection of mass separated 11CO/CO2/CH4 at high efficiency

Mass separated beams of CO+, CO2+ and CH4+ with high efficiency Objective: develop compact and turn-key mass separator systems for medical radioisotope production Expected Results: The program aims to liaise the development on innovative medical RIB ongoing in Belgium (e.g. the ISOL@MYRRHA project and the University Hospital research groups on medical RIB) with CERN-MEDICIS. Different mass separators are currently operational or under the development at KUL. A new off-line mass separator to study resonance laser ionization of gas-jet based radioactive isotopes and a new laser laboratory are under construction, part of the HELIOS project. The outcome of the program will be 1) an operational MEDICIS mass separator (based on the LISOL system), 2) ion simulation packages to optimize the beam transport with respect to efficiency and mass resolution in order to limit isotope contamination, 3) trained scientists to operate and optimize the RIB production of certain interesting isotopes and 4) active participation in the long-term development of compact and turnkey mass separator systems.