Cell-nucleus targeting with bioligands for Auger-thera

Design, synthesis and pre-clinical evaluation of multifunctional 161Tb complexes for cell specific targeting of DNA Objective: 161Terbium Auger-emitting radiopharmaceuticals for the eradication of large tumor masses or small metastases for ovarian cancers Expected Results: A Synthesis and characterization of macrocyclic bifunctional chelators (e.g. 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane DOTA) bearing a tumor-specific MAb fragment targeting moiety and a DNA-binding moiety). B Synthesis of cold Tb complexes and characterization by spectroscopic techniques. C biological evaluation of Tb-161 complexes (Damage in plasmid DNA, Cell uptake using human tumor cell lines, Radiotoxicity and mechanisms of cell death, Biodistribution and SPECT imaging in tumor-bearing mice)