New robot-assisted instruments and delivery methods for brachytherapy

Technical leader: partner organization UNIGE (CH) New robot-assisted instruments and delivery methods for brachytherapy Objective: Develop and validate new delivery techniques for brachytherapy in computerized and large animal models Expected Results: The aim of this project is to establish new instruments and delivery methods for brachytherapy using stereotactic, endoscopic ultrasonographic-guided or robotic-assisted surgery for the treatment of non-resectable brain, ovarian and pancreatic cancers. New isotopes with specific types of emission, tissue penetration and half-life will be developed at CERN-MEDICIS. For brain tumors, we will use stereotactic and/or image-guided placement of coated particles, based on magnetic resonance imaging. For ovarian and pancreatic cancers, we will evaluate endoscopic ultrasonographic guided delivery of seeds and will establish the Da Vinci robot-assisted system for intra-organ placement of seeds.