Final press release

To ensure a concerted dissemination and communication the EDT will prepare a dissemination and communication plan during Y1, which will be thereafter regularly assessed and updated. The EDT will identify topics suited for dissemination and coordinate the according activities of the partners. This includes publications in open access scientific journals, presentations at international conferences and workshops as well as through lectures presented to academia, industry and EU policy makers. Along with its activities in task 9.1, the EDT will implement the open data actions according to the decision procedures defined in the Data Management Plan (DMP). The dissemination of the results to research managers, company representatives and scientists not participating in the project, will be assured by the means of publications as well as by the participation in workshops and public forums such as events organised by the EC. Interaction with other EU and national projects as well as stakeholder organisations in the field of point-of-care diagnostics, ophthalmic diagnosis, and health care will be initiated. Various other routes of communication in non-scientific media will be actively pursued to ensure the visibility of OCTCHIP in the public such as publications in popular science magazines, press releases, popular science presentations on television and social media. At least two press releases will be launched by CZ at the beginning and at the end of the project on the vision of the OCTCHIP project and on its achievements, respectively. AIT will be responsible for setting up and maintaining the project website which will be operational by the end of month 2 after project start. The website will comprise an internal area, a limited access area dedicated to public relations (PR) actions, and a public area. On the internal area the latest results, activities, as well as reporting and other relevant documents will be shared to ensure a constant flow of information within the consortium. The public area will provide information about the project objectives, recent results, publications and related events. The OCTCHIP website will be linked to other relevant websites including EU‐funded projects.