Advertisement of ETN job offer

The entire recruitment process will follow the principles as outlined in the Code of Conduct for the recruitment of researchers The whole procedure will be controlled by the SC and the RTleaders in order to guarantee an efficient transparent and comparable procedure across the consortium partners Equal opportunity policy regarding gender disability and ethnic or social origin will be applied In order to follow the approach to strengthen the role of women in science the application of females for an ESR position will be encouragedIn responsibility of the coordinator and the SC within the first project months the network will publish the BASELiNE Earth concept and objectives in joint advertisements and announcements in the worldwide web and in print media The media selected will focus on disciplinary target groups Thus in addition to BASELiNE Earths own website targeted websites include those of the beneficiaries and partners existing networks and job advertisement platforms eg earthworksjobcom EURAXESS httpwwwfindaphdcom httpwwwjobsacuk The position announcement will indicate i the BASELiNE Earth in general and job contribution to the general objective ii the training units such as workshops iii the available secondments iv the Horizon 2020 rules for being accepted as an ESRThe network envisages recruitment of the fellows within the first five to nine months Ideally all ESRs will start simultaneously for scientific reasons even more important for the formation of a joint ESR network team Announcements in print media will include one article in an appropriate scientific journal eg Elements Science and Nature To further increase the visibility of the network BASELiNE Earth will be presented at the EGU summer meetings AGU fall meetings and probably the annual Goldschmidt conferences The network will promote the fellowships also at cooperating institutions of the partners within Europe eg BONUS network and worldwide eg collaborating institutions of the TRIONProject the Ocean University of China Qingdao Zhejiang University Hangzhou China and others If this proves to be insufficient or the start of the training programme is likely to be delayed in month 5 the SC will identify lack of progress and initiate more vigorous recruitment activities such as direct mailing and presentations at the institutions headhunting and forthcoming international conferences As soon as a considerable number of applications has been collected Month 19 the SC and the RTleaders will choose suitable candidates for each ESR position with special emphasis on female applicants The final decision is then up to SC in agreement with the RTleaders and ESR supervisors and cosupervisors of the individual ESR