2nd Workshop ”From the Phanerozoic Base Line to New Frontiers in Earth’s History”; TM 3&4

A special emphasis of this workshop will be on carbonate diagenesis and the extraction of original information This meeting will also give ESRs a synthesis of the methodological aspects that will be common to their research such as modern mineralogical methods using secondary electron microscopy XRD and XRFA Besides the analytical training statistical methods for data reduction and proxy calibration will be taught The keynote lecture on Reconstruction of past trace element and isotope cycling Diagenesis and the Extracting of Significant Proxy Information will be given by Prof Adrian Immenhauser an expert in the field of carbonate mineralogy and diagenesis from the University of Bochum Germany The interdisciplinary integration of individual projects with intensive working groups will be a focus of the workshop Subsequent to the meeting complementary courses will be offered in gender and communication issues Involvement of the nonacademic partners will follow the guidelines as outlined in section Role of the nonacademic in the training programme and in the annex The meeting will be held at CULS Prague CZ organized by J Farka and will benefit from conference rooms of various sizes which are equipped with all necessary technical facilitiesSpecial session on BASELiNE Earth new insights into ocean water history from novel proxies and techniques at the 2018 European Geophysical Union Meeting EGUAn open scientific session for the BASELiNE Earth at the annual EGU meeting will be organized by the coordinator and the WPleaders All ESRs will be encouraged to present a scientific talk for which there will be advance preparation in scientific presentation techniques The session will be attended by network scientists as well as the global scientific community in this field The purpose will be twofold i provide individual ESRs exposure and recognition among their scientific peers and ii presenting of BASELiNE Earth to an expert audience for synthesis and exploitation of the ESRs results