School event 2

The second school event, organized into two modules, provides attendees with advanced knowledge in special issues concerning the development of sustainable automotive electrical applications and teaches them to prepare high-level scientific articles and presentations. Special issues in advanced technologies sustainable automotive electrical actuation (TM3). During two days the module will give to the participants in three courses a rigorous and in-depth knowledge of the key component technologies in EMs and power electronics, and their integration into advanced systems. New technologies, materials and emerging topologies for more-efficient EMs as well as new trends in semiconductors and special topologies for power converters will be presented and discussed. Finally, systems architectures, requirements analysis, design trade-offs, and reliability through case studies and mathematical techniques will be included in a system integration course. The module will include a research assignment to be completed within three months following the school event. Responsible: BROSE. Scientific and research writing and presentation (TM5). The aim of this school module is to provide support and guidance to fellows for scientific and research writing and presentation. The following aspects will be integrated in a one-day course: (i) writing articles and conference papers; (ii) preparing and presenting a poster; (iii) presenting to an audience, at a conference or a workshop or in front of a small group. The module will be implemented as a workshop, including writing and presentation exercises. Responsible: ULB.