Release of Numerical code libraries

"Libraries of numerical programs will be developed. This will allow the participants of the project to use state-of-art numerical techniques to be developed by those participants actively working in WP4 (Numerical Methods). These novel numerical approaches will allow to address questions which are up to now out of reach of standard numerical techniques. During the first half of the project, the use of this numerical library will be restricted (also for testing reasons) to the members of the Consortium. By the end of the project, the libraries will be made freely available to the scientific community at large. An exception will be made for codes with potential commercial interest, that will be protected by software patents.The libraries are envisaged to comprise:1) Implementation of geometric and symplectic integrators for integrable and almost integrable PDEs.2) Development of ""boundary integral"" and multi-domain spectral methods for coupled Internal-Surface Wave systems.3) Painlevé equations.4) Numerical treatment of compact Riemann surfaces."