Generic Framework Description and User Manual - v1

Including the following volumes: Collaborative Front End User Manual:​ A description of the front end of the ​Co-ReSyF system and its functionalities, with instructions for users, including going through specific examples. Automated Search and Orchestration Description:​Description of the Automated Search and Orchestration tools, and specific examples. Data Search and Discovery Best Practice:​This volume describing the use of the OpenSearch standard as a means of data discovery for Earth Data providers and to facilitate the aggregation of results between the data providers. Data Access Developer Guide:​This volume will provide development guidelines to both client and server implementers that need to search and access data on the platform or federated data centers. ModulesIntegrationProceduresandGovernance:​Descriptionoftherequirementsandproceduresforonline submission of a specific research module for integration in future versions of ​Co-ReSyF,​including internal approval process. Expert Centre and Knowledge Base User Manual:​Detailed instructions and examples on how to use the Expert Centre and Knowledge Base.