Generic Tools Description and User Manual - v1

Including the following volumes: Automated Orchestration Engine Rules: This volume describes the rules of the automated orchestration engine responsible for the execution of the different tasks that compose a data processing chain for the different research applications. The document will also describe the required information in order to configure the automated orchestration engine for a new application. Image Inter-calibration tools User Manual: This volume describes the set of tools to be integrated into the research framework allowing the processing of the image data with the objective of calibrating the measures between different sources of the images. Data Co-registration and Data Fusion tools User Manual: This volume describes the set of tools to be integrated into the research framework allowing the processing of the image data with the objective of merging the measures between different sources of the images into one single image. Image Atmospheric Corrections and Data Flagging tools User Manual: This volume describes the set of tools to be integrated into the research framework allowing the processing of the image data with the objective of correcting the atmospheric perturbations and flagging data (e.g. cloud presence). EO Simulated Dataset Definition: This document contains the description of the simulated data available in the framework for the development and testing of research applications. The description of the data is to include description of the scenario being simulated, special conditions of the data and measures of the quality of the data (e.g. statistics of the data, etc...). Common Visualisation Portal tool User Manual: This document describes the usage of the portal to be integrated into the research framework allowing the visualisation of the results data from the processing of the research applications. Additional Pre-processing Tools User Manual: This volume describes the set of tools to be integrated into the research framework allowing the common pre-processing of the data shared amongst several different applications. The document will also include a list of third party tools available in the research framework, and pointing to the location of their User Manuals, with some examples of usage.