The Influence of the Dispersing Agent Nature on the Interaction of DNA Nucleotides with the Surface of YSZ Nanoparticles and the Homogeneity of Lyophilites Based on Them


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Authors: Aleksander S. Doroshkevich, Viktor S. Doroshkevich , Tatyana Yu. Zelenyak , Nelya V. Doroshkevich, Andriy I. Lyubchyk , Sergiy I. Lyubchyk , Svitlana B. Lyubchyk , Alisa A. Tatarinova , Anca Stanculescu, Dan Chicea, Carmen Mita , Nicoleta Cornei , Diana Mardare , Boris L. Oksengendler , Nadejda N. Nikiforova , Matlab N. Mirzayev, Evgeni P. Popov , Aleksandr A. Donkov , Vesna Teofilović, Bozena Ja

Journal title: SSRN Electronic Journal

Journal publisher: Elsevier

Published year: 2022

DOI identifier: 10.2139/ssrn.4252158

ISSN: 1556-5068