Awareness and Dissemination plan

An awareness and dissemination plan will be elaborated and will be updated and deployed along the project life and beyond. The different versions of the Dissemination Plan will include the activities that have actually been developed in the project in the previous plan and those foreseen for the next period. The Dissemination Plan will contain the following elements: 1) Identification and classification of target stakeholders to be addressed. 2) The dissemination methods and their specific associated activities. 3) Schedule and complementarily of the dissemination activities among partners. 4) The conditions to ensure proper dissemination of the generated knowledge. As was previously commented, the identification and communication with stakeholders is of main importance. The first Awareness and Dissemination Plan will include a list of stakeholders and the plan to address those, a close contact must be established, offering information in different formats in order to ensure it adequacy to the needs of each group of interest. This kind of contact will start early in the life of the project