Si1-xGex and C-C(B) BC & PBC with various curvatures, manufactured via SG, FD, I-I. Production of the optimal PBC in the quantities necessary for experiment

Production of BC with R10 cm and PBCs with u1100 m via SG and FD methods aimed at the optimization for SLAC and CERN energies Amorphous Si3N4 and SiO2 to be deposited on Si substrates Film deposition will be patterned using a photolithographic technique to achieve u1102 m Implantation of 150 keV He ions will be exploited to generate a superficial tensile 1 m layer with 150 MPa stress suitable to produce u20102 mManufacturing of Si1xGex superlattices by means of CVD in collaboration with University of Aarhus under conditions of high purity and exceptional lattice quality The influence of the parameters and conditions of growth deposition etc on the sample quality lattice parameters concentration of defects and dislocations periodicity etc will be investigated in order to fabricate crystals with the required parameters