Career development plan toward a doctoral degree drawn up for each ESR

The career development plan should be decomposed in two parts, one written the first year and the other one the final year. They should contain details of the research project and major accomplishments expected and achieved, respectively, and both short- and long-term career objectives in terms of research results, communication skills, and networking opportunities. It can be developed according to the following plan: Career development plan - Year 1 Brief overview of research project and major accomplishments expected (half a page) Long-term career objectives (over 5 years): goals and what further research activity or other training is needed to attain these goals. Short-term objectives (1-2 years): research results (anticipated publications and conferences, workshop attendance, courses, and/or seminar presentations), research skills and techniques (training in specific new areas, technical expertise, etc), communication skills, other professional training (teaching activities), anticipated networking opportunities, other activities with professional relevance. Career development plan - Final Year Brief overview of progress, achievement and performance (half a page) Long-term career objectives (over 5 years): mention any adjustments to your long-term career objectives as a result of the training received. Short-term objectives achieved during the training period: research results, research skills and techniques acquired, research management (fellowship or other funding applications after the PhD), communication skills, other professional training (teaching activities), anticipated networking opportunities, other activities with professional relevance.