D5.3 General Project Presentation + setup CAPID website

Management of dissemination activities (CM, IMEC, all) [M1-M36] This task will setup the strategic planning and monitoring of CAPID’s dissemination activities, specific for each of the different scientific and public target groups and will setup a detailed dissemination plan. A large number of publications is expected to be generated as the outcome of CAPID. - Establishment and maintenance of a project website (including project information, news, publi-cations, etc.) - Generation of a corporate design (logo, templates, etc.) and dissemination kit containing suitable material (flyers, demo material), which can be used by the consortium and the EC for its own dissemination of project results. - Presentation of the project during conferences (Printed Electronics Europe, Plastic Electronics Europe, LOPEC, Photonics21 etc.) and workshops, “concertation” meetings and dissemination activities upon request of the European Commission (e.g. demo booth at ICT2017). - Organization of thematic technical workshops within the project. These workshops will provide broad and in-depth overviews of the project results and findings, and include interactive sessions to capture potential feedback from experts outside the consortium. - Possible dissemination routes that will be used in the CAPID project: o Academic publications in peer-reviewed journals. (IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, IEEE T. EDL, etc.) o Presentations at academic and industrial conferences & trade shows (ISSCC, IEDM,...) o Participation in seminars or workshops, open for the public o Articles in regional, national and European media (electronic newsletters, press releases, news feeds) o A promotional movie highlighting the main developments of the project and how the project impacts technology, what the possible applications are and how it intends to cre-ate business and employment.