Working Paper 1 from TRG1-TRG11

Working Paper reports about scientific advances of the Project in Work Package 1 (Compilation). This Working Paper is constructed from each Thematic Research Group (TGR) which is led by two researchers, one from Europe and one from Latin America: 1) Inequalities in the labour market and labour trajectories (UAB-IET, UCA). 2) Asymmetries in the relationship between training and employment (UAB-GRET, UdelaR). 3) Inequalities in work and family life (UNICAL, PUC). 4) Educational inequalities (ULL, Uchile). 5) Geographical and social inequalities: ethnicity and language (UTA, UC). 6) Social inequalities, migration and space (UDC, UNC). 7) Uncertainty, strategies, resources and capabilities (MU, IIGG). 8) Inequality of opportunity: intergenerational social mobility (USE, IIGG). 9) Methodology for the analysis of social inequalities (UAB-IET, UdelaR). 10) Social policies to counteract social inequalities (UMIL, UNLP). 11) Gender inequalities’ transversal perspective (UB, USP).