Blog Entries and Video Tutorials (date indicates final posting)

Through the use of use of social media blog entries on DyViTos and partners websites and video tutorials on DyViTos and partners YouTubeVimeo channels and websites we will raise DyViTos public profile beyond that which could be achieved by each partner alone and help raise awareness of the MCSAITNETN schemes to the wider public Specifically each ESR will prepare one blog entry per year describing an aspect of their research and training in a way designed to stimulate interest in a specific nonspecialist target audience total 33 monthly entries NMeM staff will provide expert feedback on the ESRs first blog to help them develop an appropriate writing style and content tailored to their target audience This will contribute to the delivery of the DyViTo Communication Strategy by supplementing the scheduled outreach and disseminating events that each ESR completes as part of their secondment to one of our museum partners