TA3: Complementary Skills Workshops A and TA5: Network Meeting 1 (4 days)

Lead beneficiary: NMeM (with support from BRAD) TA3: Complementary Skills Workshops A: Responsible Research and Public Communication This 4-day workshop draws on the expertise of one of our non-academic partners NMeM (the workshop host) and other external experts as well as academic and non-academic DyViTo members. It is scheduled soon after the ESR recruitment is complete to ensure that the crucially important aspects of RRI are embedded from the beginning in their training and research. The collaborative and network wide approach to establishing the DyViTo Communication and Public Engagement Strategy as well as the dissemination and Data Management Plan (DMP) ensures buy-in from all partners and ESRs as well as a shared sense of ownership and responsibility for delivery and allows for an international and intersectoral spread of best practice across DyViTo network.