Scientific article of ESR6 on new racemization routes and optimized deracemization processes using designed transition metal catalysts

Many chiral pharmaceuticals owe their chirality to the presence of secondary alcohol or amine functionalities for which the hydrogen attached to the chiral centre is not readily removed with bases. ESR6 will enable racemization by applying designed transition metal catalysts and optimize deracemization processes using these catalysts. This task will extend the range of compounds that can be produced by developing new opportunities for Viedma ripening-enabled and SOAT-enabled chiral synthesis routes. ESR6 will enable racemization by applying designed transition metal catalysts (D4.2). In addition to the racemization catalysts, the main factors influencing racemization rate (e.g. temperature, pH value, presence of additives, nature of solvent, presence of a solid product phase) will be identified.