Scientific article of ESR9 on new racemization methods using organocatalysts and enzymes.

Racemization is key in many deracemization strategies. As not all chiral compounds of interest can be racemized directly or fast enough, it is in many cases possible to overcome this limitation: we reported in 2009, that conglomerate deracemization of chiral organic compounds is possible, employing racemization that occurs via the reverse steps of reversible asymmetric organic reactions and with achiral or racemic catalysts. Racemization of chiral products in solution or at the crystal/solution interface will thus be achieved via (i) the reverse reaction step or (ii) direct racemization, e.g. in the α-position of CH-acidic compounds, both catalyzed by achiral (or racemic), environmentally friendly and cheap organocatalysts, highly active transition metal catalysts or by enzymes (e.g. racemase, epimerase). ESR9 will focus on the development of racemic and achiral catalysts for stereoselective reactions yielding chiral bioactive organic compounds or valuable building blocks of pharmaceuticals and which can be racemized either in solution or at the crystal/solution interface. This task will extend the range of available racemization reactions to enable Hybrid Resolution.