The Global DAS Month of February 2023


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Authors: Andreas Wuestefeld; Zack J. Spica; Kasey Aderhold; Hsin-Hua Huang; Kuo-Fong Ma; Voon Hui Lai; Meghan Miller; Lena Urmantseva; Daniel Zapf; Daniel C. Bowden; Pascal Edme; Tjeerd Kiers; Antonio P. Rinaldi; Katinka Tuinstra; Camille Jestin; Sergio Diaz-Meza; Philippe Jousset; Christopher Wollin; Arantza Ugalde; Sandra Ruiz Barajas; Beatriz Gaite; Gilda Currenti; Michele Prestifilippo;
 Eiichiro Ara

Journal title: Seismological Research Letters

Journal publisher: GeoScienceWorld

Published year: 2023

DOI identifier: 10.1785/0220230180

ISSN: 1938-2057